[判断题]弯曲应力有正应力和剪应力之分。一般正应力由弯矩引起,剪应力由剪力引起。( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]梁的EI越大,梁的变形就越大。 ( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]弯矩越大梁的弯曲应力也一定越大。 ( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]把梁既受弯矩又受剪力作用的弯曲变形,称为 剪切弯曲 或横向弯曲。 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]当剪力不为零时,离中性轴越远,弯曲剪应力的绝对值越小。 ( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]截面的 形心 是指截面的几何中心。 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]截面的 静矩 是指截面积与它的形心到y(z)轴的距离zc(yc)的乘积。 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]轴向拉压杆的破坏往往从危险截面开始。 ( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]平面弯曲时,所有的荷载作用在纵向对称面内,且各力的作用线垂直于轴线。( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]梁在负弯矩作用下,中性轴以上部分截面受压。 ( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]在垂直于杆轴的外力作用下,杆件会产生弯曲变形。 ( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]若截面对某轴的静矩为零,则该轴一定为形心轴。 ( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[多选题]根据梁的支撑情况,工程中的静定梁一般可简化为 等形式。 A 横梁 。B 简支梁 。C 外伸梁 。D 悬臂梁 。 |
[多选题]杆件变形的基本形式 。 A 剪切变形 。B 扭转变形 。C 弯曲变形 。D 轴向拉伸和压缩 。 |
[英语]She went,with her neat figure,and her sober womanly steps,down the dark street |
[多选题]下列作品属于茅盾抗战后的“急救章”的有( ) A 《路》 。B 《腐蚀》 。C 《霜叶红于二月花》 。D 《走上岗位》 。 |
[多选题]东北作家群是指1931年“九?一八”事变后陆续流亡到关内的( ) A
端木蕻良 B 李辉英 。C 白朗 。D 萧红 。E 萧军 。 |
[单选题]散文集《人·兽·鬼》的作者是( ) A 钱钟书 。B 瞿秋白 。C 何其芳 。D 张天翼 。 |
[单选题]巴金的长篇小说《寒夜》的创作背景是() A 民国初年北洋军阀当权时期的天津 B 三十年代的上海 。C 抗战胜利前后的重庆 。D .新中国成立前夕的北京 。 |
[多选题]郁达夫的不少小说以描写"性苦闷"为内容,并非表现"性苦闷"的作品有( ) A 《薄奠》 。B 《沉沦》 。C 《采石矶》 。D 《茑萝行》 。E 《屐痕处处》 。 |
[多选题]下列符合《春风沉醉的晚上》这部作品内存的判断是( ) A 小说中的“我”很大程度上是作者的自画像 。B 女工陈二妹的形象是通过“我”的感受来刻划的 。C 陈二妹对于“我”终究没有消除误会 。D “我”和陈二妹同处困境而相互扶持、相互激励 。E 小说是以日记体形式来叙述故事的 。 |
[判断题]“触”的繁体字是“觸”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“数”的繁体字是“數”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“八”的繁体字是“捌”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“艦”的简体字是“船”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“图”的繁体字是“圃”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“卫”的繁体字是“翚”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“础”的繁体字是“礎”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“浊”的繁体字是“濁”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“尘”的繁体字是“塵”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[单选题]茅盾描写从"五四"到"五卅"一代知识分子心灵历程的长篇小说是( ) A 《蚀》 。B 《虹》 。C 《路》 。D 《霜叶红似二月花》 。 |
[多选题]下列可以用来描述曹七巧的词语有( ) A 被金钱扭曲了的人性 B 性压抑 。C 恶毒的母亲 。D 攀附权贵 。E 性变态 。 |
[多选题]张爱玲的《传奇》中的女性基本上处于两种生存状态:一种是千方百计地要成为“太太”(甚至包括姨太太和情妇),一种是成为“太太”之后。下列人物成为太太的有( ) A 《封锁》中的吴翠远 。B 《倾城之恋》的白流苏 。C 《鸿鸾禧》中的玉清 。D 《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》中的王娇蕊 。 |
[多选题]《呼兰河传》的艺术技巧有哪些?( ) A
形似散文,是非散文 B 结构单纯简练,并非简单粗疏 。C 作品流淌着寂寞的深情,呈现着含泪的微笑 。D 小说有着令人炫目的美 。 |
[单选题]《呼兰河传》中,祖父用黄泥裹起来呢烧了给我吃的第一只是掉在井里的( ),第二只是掉在井里的鸭子。 A 小猪 。B 小鸡 。C 小羊 。D 老鼠 。 |
[多选题]下列表现爱情婚姻悲剧的作品是( ) A 《菉竹山房》 B 《伤逝》 。C 《小城三月》 。D 《小二黑结婚》 。E 《金锁记》 。 |
[多选题]下列符合《边城》这部作品特点的判断有( ) A 将散文的笔法与诗歌的抒情因素融入小说 。B 语言质朴清丽,含蓄自然 。C 小说回荡着作者对故土风物人情的热爱眷恋之情 。D 小说的社会背景与社会矛盾被诗化和淡化了 。E 小说表达了作者对理想人生的执着追求 。 |
[多选题]沈从文根据民间和宗教故事创作的浪漫传奇主要有( ) A 《神巫之爱》 。B 《媚金·豹子与那羊》 。C 《月下小景》 。D 《八骏图》 。 |
[判断题]《汉书》的风格飘逸跌宕、宏放恣肆,《史记》风格严谨规矩、典雅温厚。 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]韩非在政治上提出了以“法”为中心,结合“术”与“势”的政治观。 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]《汉书》最受后世称赞的是“十志”,如《食货志》、《艺文志》 、《地理志》 等。 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]《汉书》是我国第一部纪传体通史,它沿用《史记》的体例而略有改变,改书为志,去掉世家并入传,由纪、表、志、传四部分构成。 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“边”的繁体字是“遷”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“昼”的繁体字是“畫”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“齐”的繁体字是“齋”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“禮”的简体字是“社”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“书”的繁体字是“晝”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“门”的繁体字是“鬥”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“范”的繁体字是“範”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“当”的繁体字是“黨”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]“殲”的简体字是“残”( ) 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[单选题]赵树理的鼓词《石不烂赶车》是根据( )的民歌体叙事长诗《赶车传》而改写的。 A 田间 B 闻捷 。C 李季 。D 马可 。 |
[多选题]钱钟书的散文和小说作品主要有( )等 A
《写在人生边上》 B 《围城》 。C 《人?兽?鬼》 。D 《管锥编》 。 |
[单选题]方鸿渐这个形象出自( )。 A 《倾城之恋》 。B 《围城》 。C 《长河》 。D 《塔里的女人》 。 |
[单选题]钱钟书的“如水口盐、蜜中花、体匿性存、无痕有味”的比方是说审美中的( ) A 感知 。B 表象 。C 情感 。D 理解 。 |
[多选题]小学低、中段“写话”“习作”教学的主要任务有哪些? A 掌握必要的写作技巧。 B 鼓励学生乐于写作。 C 给予必要的写作指导。 D 激发写作兴趣。 。 |
[判断题]The second generation of English Romantic poets are Wordsworth, Byron and Shelley. 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]The glory of the Victorian Age lies in the novels of Dickens, Coleridge, Thackeray and the Bronte sisters. 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[单选题]Which is Shelley’s masterpiece? A Queen Mab 。B Prometheus Unbound 。C Prometheus Bound 。D The Revolt of Islam |
[判断题]Pragmatics treats the meaning of language as something intrinsic and inherent. 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Mansfield Park and Jane Eyre are novels written by Jane Austen. 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[单选题]English Renaissance period was an age of . A prose and novel 。B poetry and drama 。C essays and journals 。D ballads and songs 。 |
[单选题]Jane Austen’s view of life is a totally one. A romantic 。B sentimental C realistic 。D pessimistic |
[单选题]“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested” is one of the epigrams found in _____. A Francis Bacon’s Of Studies. B Thomas More’s Utopia. C John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress D Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones |
[单选题]Which is Shelley’s poetic drama? A Prometheus Unbound 。B To the Cloud C The Masque of Anarchy 。D Queen Mab |
[判断题]“It is hot.” is a no-place predication because it contains no argument. 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[单选题]Which one is Shelley’s lyric? A Ode to a Skylark B Ode to the Nightingale C Prometheus Unbound D Ode on a Grecian Urn |
[单选题]“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” is taken from _______. A The Solitary Reaper B Ode to the West Wind C To Autumn D Song to the Man of England |
[单选题]Because of _______, Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University. A The Masque of Anarchy 。B A Defence of Poetry C The Necessity of Atheism 。D The Triumph of Life 。 |
[单选题]Pride and Prejudice is noted for its vividly depicted characters who are revealed through comparison and contrast with each other. Among the following pairs of characters are NOT in contrast. A Darcy and Wickham B Elizabeth and Charlotte 。C Elizabeth and Jane D Lady Catherine and Mr. Collins |
[单选题]Austen’s novel ____tells a story about two sisters and their love affairs. A Pride and Prejudice 。B Emma C Sense and Sensibility 。D Mansfield Park |
[单选题]All the following are novels written by Jane Austen EXCEPT_______. A Mansfield Park B Shirley C Emma D Persuasion |
[单选题]The theme of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind is ________. A the humdrum reality of everyday 。B the sublimity of the natural beauty C the conservative reassurance 。D The radical prophecy of hope and rebirth 。 |
[单选题]In her novels, Jane Austen presents the quiet, day-to-day country life of _________. A the upper-class English 。B the upper-middle-class English 。C the lower-class English 。D the lower-middle-class English |
[单选题]Prometheus Unbound was written by __. It appeared in the year of Peterloo Massacre. A Wordsworth 。B Coleridge 。C Byron 。D Shelley 。 |
[单选题] “You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better, for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party.” The figure of speech used in the sentence is . A simile 。B irony C antithesis 。D metaphor |
[单选题]Here is a sentence from an essay, “Read not to contradict and confuse, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider.” The essay must be ___. A Of Studies 。B The Advancement of Learning 。C Novum Organum 。D Essays |
[单选题]Shakespeare’s plays written between _____ are sometimes called “romances” and all end in reconciliation and reunion. A 1590 and 1594 。B 1595 and 1600 。C 1601 and 1607 。D 1608 and 1612 。 |
[单选题]Which of the following poetic forms is the principal form of Shakespeare’s dramas? A lyric B sonnet C blank verse 。D quatrain |
[判断题]A morpheme is neither a meaning nor a stretch of sound, but a meaning and a stretch of sound joined together. 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]Modifiers always follow the head. 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[单选题]_________ are often thought to be the smallest meaningful units of language by the linguists. A Words 。B Morphemes 。C Phonemes 。D Sentences 。 |
[判断题]Charlotte Bronte’s novel Villette deals with the life of the English workers at the time of the Luddite Movement in the early 19th century. 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[判断题]Shelley mourned for Keats’ premature death in an elegy Adonais, writing “He is made one with Nature.” 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[单选题]The sentence “three or four families in a country village are the very thing to work on” can best reflect the writer’s personal knowledge and range of writing. This writer is _________. A Walter Scott B Thomas Hardy C Charlotte Bronte D Jane Austen 。 |
[单选题]Which is Shelley’s work of literary criticism? A An Essay on Criticism 。B A Defense of Poetry C On the Necessity of Atheism 。D Of Studies |
[单选题]In terms of Pride and Prejudice, which is not true? A Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Jane Austen’s novels. B Pride and Prejudice is originally drafted as First Impressions. C Pride and Prejudice is a tragic novel. D In this novel, the author explores the relationship between great love and realistic benefits. |
[单选题]Ode to the West Wind is concluded with mood. A triumphant and hopeful 。B pessimistic and skeptical C desperate and sad 。D indifferent |
[单选题]The English Romantic Age produced two major novelists. They are ________. A Byron and Shelley 。B Wordsworth and Coleridge C Scott and Austen 。D Lamb and Hazlitt 。 |
[单选题]Romantic writers employ all the following EXCEPT as their poetic materials. A the commonplace 。B the natural C the simple 。D the abstract |
[单选题]is Shelley’s well-known political lyric, which calls upon the working class to fight against their rulers and exploiters. A Don Juan 。B The Cenci C Prometheus Unbound 。D Song to the Men of England |
[单选题]In Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, Antonio could not pay back the money he borrowed from Shylock because ______. A his money was all invested in the newly-emerging textile industry B his enterprise went bankrupt 。C Bassanio was able to pay his own debt 。D his ships had all been lost |
[单选题]Claudius, Ophelia and Laertes are characters in _________ . A King Lear 。B Hamlet 。C Julius Caesar 。D Henry IV 。 |
[单选题]Besides an essayist, Francis Bacon is also a scientist and _____. A doctor 。B teacher C philosopher 。D clerk |
[单选题]was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature. A Thomas Wyatt 。B William Shakespeare 。C Philip Sidney 。D Thomas Campion |
[单选题]Which play is not a comedy? A A Midsummer Night’s Dream B The Merchant of Venice C Twelfth Night D Romeo and Juliet |
[单选题]In the English renaissance period, scholars began to emphasize the capacities of the human mind and the achievements of human culture. The most significant intellectual movement was __________. A reformation B geographical explorations C humanism D the Italian revival |
[判断题]A noun phrase must contain a noun, but other elements are optional. 正确 、正确。 错误 、错误。 |
[单选题]Which two terms can best describe the following pairs of words: table---tables; day break---daybreak? A Inflection and compound B Compound and derivation C Inflection and derivation 。D Derivation and inflection 。 |
[单选题]“-s” in the word “books” is _______. A a derivative affix B a stem 。C an inflectional affix D a root 。 |